Tuesday, November 11, 2008

aN EsSay FoR eNgL101C cLaSs........

I know, this is kind of weird though that i post my academic writing in my blog..but, i think it worth cause i put so much effort on this essay..so many drafts i've done in order to complete this essay..i just wanna know what's ur opinion about this...did i state the facts correctly or i have missed sumtin crucial in all facts that i mentioned??

“Malaya (former name of Malaysia) cannot be a multi-racial country”. Most people said this when they know that Malaya was consists of three major ethnic group which were Malay, Chinese, and Indian. In fact, there are more ethnic groups in Malaysia now but those three races are significantly the major race in Malaysia. Talking of history, there are some reasons why Malaysia can be such a successful multi-racial country prior to the three ethnic groups. There is a chronological order of reasons how Malaya can change from a one native ethnic group country to a multi-racial country such that we have now which before the independence of Malaya towards after the independence.

The influence of British before Malaya get its independence has brought to the beginning of the idea being a multi-racial country. During their colonization of Malaya, British wanted to improve the economic status of Malaya by developing some different industries such as agriculture and natural sources (or digging) industry. Instead of giving the job to the native, British imported workers from other of their colonial country countries, China and India. As the British planned, Indians worked in the plantation area and rubber estate, while the Chinese in the mines, mills, and dock. Because there was no other choice, Malays was unwillingly forced to work on their own as traditional worker such as fishermen, farmers, and so on. As a result, these three races were known by their economical status where the Chinese worked in mines, Indians in the estate, and Malays in their own small land.

After years living together, some of the people raised their voice for the independence. As the earlier heroes tried to seek freedom by using force, they instead use negotiation and cleverness to get independence which the outsiders thought they were as coward as chicken to do that. And yet, it was worthwhile because not a single blood spilled out of one’s body. Feeling worried that Malays will chase out the immigrants out of the country, British made a survey to all immigrants whether they want to go back to their country or follow British to England and get the citizenship there. They refused on both choices and decided to stay instead. British came with an agreement, called “Social Contract” to bring peace within the nation, between those three races and to ensure the Social Contract successful they put a limit of ten years that Malayan could live together without any blood-related war until they give full independence to Malaya after August 31st,1957. And, the content of Social Contract was Malays have to welcome the immigrants as citizen of Malaya while Chinese and Indians have to admit and honor Malays right as the native of Malaya.

Malaya officially changed its name to Malaysia on September 16th, 1963 because of some significant event such the North Borneo, Sabah and Sarawak to be concise, has joined Malaya to be a country and the increasing number of ethnic groups in Malaya. And due to the increasing number of citizen and also voters, “May 13 incident” came after Malaysia achieved full independence. It has been 38 years since the tragedy happen, but we Malaysian, can still feel the pain and impact of the tragedy. A Sino Malay riots has occurred after the general election in which many citizens were killed. Since British has no right to interfere because Malaysia has passed the 10 years limit of trial, the government has had to declare a state of national emergency. After the incident, National Operations Council (NOC) was established to advice the administrative council and as a result New Economy Policy (NEP) was introduced in order to bring peace and integration between citizens, and to get rid of the economic identity of each ethnic group. NEP was succeeded and the people have become more corporative and the economic status of citizens has increased as it leads to a better economic status of Malaysia.

After 51 years of independence, Malaysia has succeeded to be a successful multi-racial country with so many different types of ethnic groups and it has made us, Malaysians, proud to be unique nation where people with different cultures and practices can live peacefully in such a small country. The integrity between each race has been better from time to time which made the country developing very well in a short time and known to another big country in the world. This change reminds me to a Malay proverb, “Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri”, lead to the meaning of, it may rain gold in someone else’s country, and be hailing stones back in your own country, and yet it is best to be back in your country. There is no other place as good as your home.


Anonymous said...

ade lg ke eng 101c? huahuau

uya ahmad said...

cesss...shadap u.....