helo u guyz.....
lame da aku tak menulis....rase rindu plak...
ngee......semalam(22nd march 08)
bagi aku adlah ari yg aku paling puas ati.....
aku memg sonok semalam....
walaupun ade klas smpi kul 2,
tapi aku tak kesah....
hehehehehe....sbab klas tuh la yg wat aku rase sonok.....
ari ni, aku rase sgt seronok, cuz aku rase sume org rase sonok....
except for farah, i feel sorry for her......
tabahkan ati mu farah.......jgn tension2....
aku ade ngan ko tuk support ko......
okeh, cite pasal smlm, aku ade la kelas assf(academic study skills) n english klas....'
due2 klas wat presentation.........
wktu assf bes gak la, but english is even more interesting.....
mis dat day.......
waktu wat presentation assf, sume group present their presentation greatly....
but of course la m rup even great....hahahahaha......
aku gelabah gile sbnr nye nak wat presentation tuh......ade la smpi tergagap....
ngeee.......rais jgn keciwa la dgn aku ye.....
hurm, grup len2 sume bez2, but bg aku presentation yg pling bes, grup hazrool n nira...
yg tahan nye, aku tak paham lgsg ape yg dorg present, pasal brain food....
tak paham ak, amino asid ape la benda2 otak ni.....
info baru, hazrool ckp tuna n telur hancur tak elok tuk otak kite sbab die ade saturated fat,
yg bgus aku pon tak tau...
grup ila plak, dorg cite pasal cmne nak bg excellent result dlm stdy....
tuh rase nye sume org da tau.......huhuhuhu....
grup azan cite pasal speed reading......fuyooh......xtau nak ckp ape.....tak tumpu sgt ngan ape dorg ckp cus sebuk tgkp gmbr......tapi, din memg r klaka....wahahaha....
then ade stu lg grup, jasmin n amri.....
dorg cite pasal cmne otak bekerja......
aku pon tak paham....same la cm grup hazrool n nira.......
aku tak bape nak amek tau sgt pasal otak2 ni....hahahahaha.....
ok...enough pasal assf.......
huhuhu...english plak....presntation ari ni ktorg wat drama.....
ade 3 grup.....grup aku(azan,nira,min,din, n ak), grup rais(rais,ila,amri, khalilah)
n grup hazrool(hazrool,alin,syafiq n azi)
wahhhh, sume grup mantap.....
grup aku wat cite sedey.....n my teacher (ms fawiza) said that ktorg berjaye wat die jd touching....huhuhu..bgge seyh....aku la yg paling mantap...jadi mak jahat.....hahahahahahahahahahaha....kejam nye aku...tapi rase sonok......
nira, ko jgn marah aku pukul ko n abuse ko.......ye, pelakon harapan yg mnjadi jasmin...ko memg best.....pastuh si bapak nye yg heartless azan.....turun saham ko....hahahaha...seb bek ko da ade org nak ko...hehehehehe.......si narrator, aku memg salut mu, ko memg ade style lah.....aku rase ko la org yg berjaye wat org len jd touching lepas nira budak yg di abuse........
then, grup hazrool plak wat pasal cite ape tah...
klaka, ade nari2 industan....hahahaha....
azie paling best.......die jd watak jahat gak...hahahahaha......
syafiq, klaka gak cz die malu2 nak berlakon, alin lah mase nak bunuh diri,
sume org gelak......hahahahahaha.......chumel tol la korg........wktu fight2 hazrool smgt ek?????
okeh, n the last grup, grup rais wat pasal harry potter...wahhh...
opening korg memg gmpak......rais, wa salut sama lu......at first waktu tgk ila start....
ingat kan die hafal dialog yg die ckp, bru ingat nak congrats die, last2 aku nampak die tgk tgn die ade skrip....cehhhh.......tapi overall korg punye drama memg best....harry potter ngajar patronuscharm kat sume org, rais ron weasly yang gelabah....cian ko kalah lawan ngan hermione khalilah yg memg pndi dlm magic......dolores umbridge ila yg sememg nye kejam...ahahahahaha....
then last, teacher umum kan sape best actor for every grup.....
grup aku sememang nye la nira......mantap dowh die act.....hazrool plak, azi yang menjadi.......memg kejam.....rais plak utk grup die....bak kate aku tadi, aku salut sama rais....
ahahahahaa.....then da best grup or da best drama.....
our grup la......'a child called it'.....aku saran kan korg bace cite ni tau.......
okeh, thats for now.....hope to have more story after diz.....
huhuhuh......hari yg takkn aku lupa seumur hidup aku...pura...share ar pictures tuh...nak gak..huhuhu
ni adalah komen paksaan dr sapura. hehehe. tak tau nak ckp pe. klu amri bace ni ckp kat die aku kirim slam
eleh...ape ni syazli....
apsal ckp pasal amri je nih......
sapura majuk ngan ko...
to rais.....
eyh,ko nak ke gmbr????
nnti la ye.....
aku bg ko......
tak pon ko mntk gmbr kat ms fawiza je....
nnti yek....
pe nh..
cita happy
aku tgh sedeyh nh
best blog kau
semoga active selalu ye..
lagi satu
happy birthday
sayang gila kau!
huhuhu...farah....but i still support ko....walaupun tak byk....
tapi,aku pon syg ko....
tq 4 da wish...=)
Sapura dearest,
I enjoyed watching you guys acting silly that day, he he he. It was nice to have the whole class cracked the shell around them and emerged as someone else. You performed well too. Glad that you included my cakes as part as your props. Take care
huhu...thanks teacher....
luv u......
hai cik pura..
kenangan terindah kte sume tu kn..
tetibe terindu la plak time tu..
xsangka effort kte nk mnjayekan drama tu mnjadi..
gmbo kte satu grup xde kn..
ni y sdey ni..
ak btol2 enjoy time tu..
btw, tahniah sbb dpt jadi actress terbaek..
jatuh saham ko jd wife y bek..
msti kecewa org y undi ko tu..
thanks min....huhuhu...
actress terbek????ngaaaa....
jgn bocor rahsia dol....
malu i....hahahaha.....
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