Clock Tower a.k.a. Campanile
Bila sudah bosan, kami pergi ke sekolah menangkap gmbr.... Alang-alang musim luruh sudah bermula, jadi apa salah nya sekira nya kami menjadi "cam-whore" sekejap bukan? Jadi inilah hasilnya...Walaupun tidaklah seberapa lawa hasilnya tetapi saya masih berpuas hati, kerana ada sedikit kemajuan! Jadi kamu semua, bagilah komen yang membina ya?

On the ocean of leaves

Khaterina from Greece(ancient country)

Ntah la tak tahu nak cakap apa

Pokok lawa

Lompat Fall Uya

Lompat Fall Jason

Curtiss Hall(Department of Agriculture)

Maple leaves if I'm not mistaken

A shot that is neither succeeded or failed.

This is a failed shot

A little bit better I think though still so many flaws there.
Okay, I think that is the wrap. Going to take more pictures tomorrow!
are you using your own dslr camera ? really love it UYA :D
yes, i am using my own dslr...ahaks
thank you!!!!!lupe nak cakap.....
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