all of the sun clock....waktu tu kul 10 lbey..da lupe la mase nye.....=)
wah, it's been a long time that i dont update my blog....
this time around, i was really busy wif the motivational camp....
hurm, what to talk first now????
yeah, refer back to our main topic....
Botanical Garden....Hurm, last friday, approximately, no, not approximate, but it's a whole n exact number of nine people go to Botanical Garden, where it include me, ila, khalil, jasmin, ammar, rais, azan, hazrool , n din......actually, me, ila, rais n azan got motivational camp to attend but on behalf class trip, all of us (esp ila) sacrifice the day to skip those camp tingy(i dun really want to join the camp actly)....hahahaha....
hurm...kitorg start g botanical kul 8.45am...Uncle raja kate nak dtg awal....but lmbt gak....huuuu...
sampai2 je kat botani, ktorg trus masuk ntah ape la tmpat tu....tapi sume org kate nak, all of us nak bukit g kat receptionist de.....there's 9 of us...
but ktorng amek 7 beskal je....huhuhu....5 single, and 2 double....aku n ila nek yg double also, din n hazrool...hurm...dunno what to write, tgk je la pic ni....
abis2 je kat botani, kitorg (all girls) decide nak g al-hamra nye istana, yg keciknye je lah...dekat botani gak....
Ya Allah, tak dapat di bayangkan, betapa indahnye ciptaan Allah ni.....
lawa nya al-hamra tak dapat di bayangkan.......
bau perabot mahal....
self timer nye cam...nobody's care to take our pic together...masam nye muke kel?????awat????pakwe tak dtg eyk??tu yg sedeyh???hehehehe.....
front view of al-hamra...what a nice view....rase cm nak g al-hamra the real one je....tapi bajet duit takdek nak g....ngeeeee.....hurm..tggu la beberapa tahun lagi..Insya-Allah i'll be there.....
all of the girls in front of al-hamra...thanks to the guard cz giv us chance to get in al-hamra without paying the entrance fee..huuuu...we're very thankful to him....thanks abg guard..abg ke????sebaye la...buahahaha.....
sume org berbasikal dengan sonoknye...hehehe...ammar plak asik cbuk amik gmbr n view lagik...cukup2 la tuh...huhuhuhu......rais, sonok nye muke kamu...kel,careful cycle..jgn jatuh...min,wanna say sory,ila bawak beskal laju sgt,tak sempat tgkp gmbr kamu..hehehehehe...
indahnye al-hamra....wlupun hnye yg kecil..tetapi...indahnye...tidak terkata..posing sume org....penat nye cycle...aduh, mase naek bukit....diriku tak larat..huhuhu....da pancit....isk3...
semua terpegun dengan kecantikan al-hamra....siap ade yg layan blues lagi tu...muahahaha....hey, ila,jasmin...enough with ur acting..buahahaha....nak msuk pic jugak....tak acik...
i am so delighted even though after the trip, me, ila, azan, n rais have to go to the felda motivational camp...urgh....hahaha...but, at least all of us feel happy wlupun ade a little crisis between us..upsss..terlebih sudah...muahahaha....